Thursday, February 28, 2013

Where to start?

Today was a really good day in so many ways that I won't get into here.  However I did get some time to consider some of the conversations of late about where do we go from here?  The direction we should take as a Church and where we should start.  

As I have considered these things, I am drawn back to the Bible.  By reading the Scriptures we find the answers to what we are to do.  Our instruction that we have received is not new but often we have neglected it.  We need to communicate and connect with the one who is our leader, Jesus.  Prayer is essential to this process.  Prayer as time with God both speaking to Him and allowing time for Him to speak to us.  

For any Church to be healthy we as God's people must be striving to be humble and obedient to Jesus and His Word.  The foundation of Prayer and living the Truth of the Bible must be the way forward.  This is not about a program or a set of goals but about a re-awakening a revival of the heart.  We are to move past a daily ritual of reading and prayer, to a living ongoing digestion of the Bible that fuels a Prayer-filled, disciple-making, walk of life.  This is not to be based in emotion but a commitment to be obedient to who Jesus bought us to be.

Jesus purchased us with His shed blood, we are now His and we are supposed to live under His Lordship.  This is not some idea of floating around in emotional spiritual highs and lows.  Nor is it some idea that we must now be perfect in everything we do.  Instead it is a committed life of following our new Master, our Lord, Saviour and Friend, Jesus.  The path is found through the Bible and Prayer, not alone but in a community of believers that we call the local Church.  This is where we start.  

We start by making a fresh commitment to put aside the things that distract us from this basic Truth.  The more we focus on this then the rest will become clear.

Consider the following statements
"I find my deepest desire for God and a closeness to Him when I am most humbled."
"When I feel empty and dry and long for a new experience, I must recognize that my sinful self-seeking emotions are driving me and I need to seek God's face repentantly, finding my refreshment in Him and not my emotional experiences."

Pastor Bruce

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Courage and Corruption

Today's sermon will come from John 2:13-25, and the theme is going to be "corruption".   It can be a challenging topic.  Often we apply this word to those in positions of power, sayings like "power corrupts & absolute power corrupts absolutely", are common in our modern culture.  Yet I believe the Truth is far closer to home and far deeper in perspective.

Corruption starts with our sinful selfish state.  Acts of sin are an outflow of our self centered nature we all receive as humans, passed on through our fathers because of the curse of the fall in Genesis.  This sin and its outcomes will cause corruption if it is left unchecked.  If no one brings correction and there is no repentance, the act of remorse and change from our sinful direction, then corruption will seep in.  Corruption will eventually take power and authority and much damage will be done.  Common examples we hear about have to do with money, lies and sex.  But corruption can often fly beneath the radar for a long time.

Lets consider that people often do not like change.  So instead of listening, praying and responding to God and the voice of the Holy Spirit.  They make decisions based on what is "normal" or what is comfortable or easy.  Yet if we are seeking to make decisions on our own, then we are sinning.  If we have allowed such sinful practices to take control then corruption has set in and we are headed for trouble.

Anytime we are allowing our sin nature to be in a position of control we are in danger of corrupt behavior and decision making.  Even things that seem harmless and acceptable can have deep consequences because we are not seeking to live under the Lordship of Christ.  I am not saying that this is easy to avoid.  It is hard.

We must be courageous, we must make the hard decisions to follow God and seek His voice, regardless of what "we want".  Our own selves should not be the barometer for our decision making.  Our likes, dislikes, emotions and traditions can not be trusted.  God can be trusted.  So please join with me in a stand to be courageous.  Let us be Honest about our fears, hopes, dreams, challenges, etc.. yet let us walk with Integrity, not allowing such things to have a hold on us.  May we be Transparent, not hiding our weakness and failures, but having a true spirit of humility so that God is glorified in us.

As we take on the path of courage, in following Jesus fully.  Part of the path is for us to show great amounts of grace to our brothers and sisters who are struggling with their own selfishness and weakness.  We are to walk with them and help them, not slaughter them like enemies.  Such a negative attitude is from our prideful selves, please do not hold up righteousness in order to damage your brothers and sisters.  True courage to follow Christ sets His glory first and follows the Biblical model for how we are to grow together.

Walk with humble courage!

Pastor Bruce

Saturday, February 23, 2013

The journey of life

Life is a journey.   Not just when you travel far or move communities.   But also day to day as we move through our regular routine.   We have the opportunity to be active in obeying Jesus.  Matthew 28 records Jesus giving final instructions to his followers.   His followers are to go,  which should be understood to mean as you go.   As we go through this live we are to live our Faith in a way that brings honor and glory to our Lord Jesus.   As we encounter others we then have opportunity to share with them the joyous message of salvation.   This is our responsibility.

So live with repentance, humility, love and joy.  Then share three gray things God its doing and has done.  Live on mission.

Let us serve the Lord together!

Pastor Bruce

Friday, February 22, 2013

Passion for Life

What is given, often abused, taken for granted, not appreciated, taken from others, seen as a choice and expected to be easy but never is? the answer is LIFE. I have found that our world today does not have a healthy understanding of life. It is unfortunate that some of the views and expressions about life that are seen as "champions" of the cause are so very wrong. Many things we hear about life in our culture are based out of humanism. In a nutshell, humanism is a belief, a philosophy, where by humanity is highly valued, I would even say humanity is supreme. So often a lot of the positive life language we hear is actually coming from a humanistic belief. Statements like "you can do anything if you want to", "you deserve a break today", "take time for yourself", "if you put your mind to it and work hard you can achieve it", "be all that you can be", "good people are the answer to the world's problems", "if we work together we can achieve anything", "today will be what you make it to be" and many many more are all around us everyday. Often they have an element of truth to them and yet there is a deeper lie that is present.

The lie of humanism is one of achievement and perfection gained by people. It is based on a belief that people have unlimited potential and capability to be good. I have even heard countless pastors use humanistic phrases as the basis for their teaching, it can be difficult not to at times because of the wide spread use and acceptance in our culture. One of the worst is the concept of "free will", this short phrase is used time and time again by Christians and emphasized as being Biblical. Yet this is not found in the Bible, it is found in the teachings of humanism. People do not have freedom in their will, freedom is about the removal of boundaries. Our will is about our decisions and determination. The essence of this concept is that people have the freedom to choose to be who they want to be, to choose what they want to do, to move without limits, to think without measure. Unfortunately it is not True. The Bible teaches us that people are corrupt and sinful (Romans 3) and in our natural sinful state we are dead (Romans 5) and slaves to our own sinfulness (Romans 6). People are not "free", their wills are bound, bound by sin. Sure the obvious is also true that we are bound by the laws of nature, physics etc... But more important is our spiritual state, we do not have our own freedom to be good, to be righteous.

The Biblical view about life is more than a movement to stop abortion, though I think that is a good thing. It is about spiritual life.
I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. - John 10:9-10 (ESV)
True life can be found only in a relationship with the one who grants us that life, Jesus. Jesus, God in the flesh, who came and paid the price for our sins. This Jesus that 3 days later rose from the grave and now sits in Heaven holding all authority to judge the living and the dead. This Jesus will give you true life. He will give you true freedom. All you have to do is recognize Him as God. Recognize your sinfulness and then repent of your sin, apologize to Him for your sinfulness and ask Him to forgive you of your sin and He will. Make Him the lord of your life and live for Him and not yourself. This is where we find the true life and freedom that we seek.

If you are a Christian then you are to live with a thriving passion for Life! Not in a save the environment, the whales, the poor, the sick, etc... kind of way. But instead a passion for helping people find the True Life in Jesus and then helping them to live that life. We should clean up the environment, because it is Gods and we are supposed to be caretakers of it. We should want to care for animals, God appointed us to be their caretakers as well. Biblical teaching calls for us to care for the sick and the needy, people were made by God and He instructs us on how to care for them. We are to make a difference in this world, but only out of the True Life that Jesus gives us. Those who are Spiritually dead need to experience Life more than anything else. This needs to be our priority, our passion.

May God be glorified in our lives today as we serve Him.

Pastor Bruce

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Race Night @FFBC

Last night was pine car race night at FFBC in Brandon. It is part of our AWANA program and was a lot of fun. So great to see so many children out with their parents and grand parents. It was encouraging to also see people from FFBC that do not have children in AWANA come out just to be a part of the event. Everyone of our volunteers worked hard and it seemed everyone had a lot of fun. I was very glad I could be there to be a part of it. So today my theme is racing.

In a race, whether you are running or driving, you need to have your sights set on where you are going, a goal or target needs to be understood. You need a reference point, depending on the race it may be lines on the road, a finish line in sight, pylons, flags or even posts or fences. But if you do not keep your eyes open and aware of the points of reference then you will probably be headed for trouble.

If a driver hits the wall in a stock car race when no other cars were touching them. They most likely did not properly pay attention to their points of reference in relationship to their speed and direction. In a drag race if a dragster begins to swerve and then loose control and crash into the wall or flip, it is usually because the driver did not keep things steady and focused on the end goal.
Hebrews 12:1-2 (ESV)Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.
In our Christian life, we are to follow Jesus. Jesus came to earth as the Son of God. lived a perfect sinless life and then was killed because of our sins. 
Have you ever sinned? Not sure? lets check ...
(Most of these questions were the ones I used with the kids last night)
Have you always listened to your parents and done what you are told, right away, never complained? Never had a bad attitude? Never grumbled to yourself about your parents? That is all sin

Have you ever done something mean to someone else? Told a lie to them or about them? Hurt someone else, hit them, tripped them, screamed at them? Have you ever said mean or cruel things to someone? That is all sin
Have you ever been selfish? Refused to share your cookies, your drink, your snacks, your toys, your bike, your lego? Pushed your way into a lineup in front of others? Gotten upset because someone else was in your seat, used your things or wanted to have some of your fries? That is all sin
Have you always loved God, properly, putting Him first in everything? Living a life of worship and prayerful communion with Him? Always living in obedience to God and what He teaches in the Bible? If not then you have lived a life of sin. I have too.
God said that there had to be punishment for sin and that punishment was death and an eternity away from God in a horrible place called Hell. But God is very good and He sent Jesus who is God, to come in the form of a person and to take on the punishment for our sin. And to those who accept His gift of Grace, as they repent of their sins, He forgives them for their sin and grants them an eternal relationship with God. Jesus enables us to be a people who do not have to sin, we can seek freedom and strength to resist sin by the power of the Holy Spirit. When the spirit of God takes up residence in us, which happens when you become a follower of Jesus, then we can live in greater obedience to Him. We will not be perfect, not in this life, but we have received the perfection of Jesus on our account so we can be God's friend, His Child. 
The Christian Life is like a race, Jesus is our point of reference so make sure your sight is set on Him. The Bible is our map for the race so that we can avoid wrong turns. But if we stop paying attention to the map or get ourselves distracted and loose our point of reference, then we will loose our way, get lost and off course or crash. These distractions are sin, when we stop focusing on Jesus that is sin, the sin of selfishness and pride. We need to recognize that as a Christian Jesus forgives our sins and we need to stay away from sin so that we can stay on course, so that we can finish the race without a big crash. Unlike a race though, if you do crash big, you are not removed from the race. Instead Jesus forgives you if you repent and then He picks you up and helps you get moving again.

Pastor Bruce

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Prayer for the day

Heavenly Father,  I want to thank you for the opportunity to live and serve You today.  Your Grace is more amazing than I can fathom and yet you bless me with experiencing it daily.   Lord I am sorry for the weaknesses that I struggle with, thankyou for Your great patience with me as I grow and learn.   Today Lord please use me as your vessel, that You would be glorified and the mission that You have given me would be fulfilled.   May this day and all that it holds be used by me to honor You.  At times when struggles and temptations arise please help me to refrain from my old nature.  That by the Spirit of God, Jesus would live in and through me, instead of me.
Fully surrendered to You I ask these things in the name of Jesus.  Amen.


Rest ....  A difficult theme for most of us in our culture today.  I find myself often feeling guilty about taking a break.  For some reason I have a negative view of rest.  Maybe it has to do with the work ethic I have that was instilled in me by my parents?  Maybe it has to do with the attitude our society has towards the topic?  Or maybe it is even deeper?

As I pondered rest, I thought about the "rest principle" God gives us in Genesis.  He creates the 7th day (or Sabbath Day) and calls for it to be a day of rest.  We were created to work 6 days and rest one.  This can sound a like a little much in a society that views rest as time off work.  Many take the idea that they work 5 and are off 2 days to mean that they follow the rest principle really well.  But I don't think most of us do.

I am pretty sure that most people with their multiple days off in a row, still do not rest very well.  Most of us believe that by doing projects around the house or yard, working on our car, going shopping, etc... we are getting our break from work.  Yet we really fail to rest.  We are sometimes busier when we are not at work, we are just busy with other things.  Even when we would say we are not busy, in the back of our minds we think that someone may think less of us if we really did "NOTHING" for a few hours or even (GASP) a day.  Yet I believe God made us to function better if we rest properly.

I am not really good at this yet, I am growing and God is working in me.  I find my family struggles with this as well.  Often a time of really resting leave them feeling like they wasted a day.  The challenge for me and I hope also for you, is for us to "redeem" our time.  Sometimes we need rest, rest from thinking as well as doing.  But sometimes we need the rest and refreshment only God can give us.  We need to remember that God is our true place of "sabbath".  He is the one who gives us True Rest and Refreshment.

Anyway I should get some sleep.   Hmmmm ... Conviction setting in?

Good night

Pastor Bruce

Sunday, February 17, 2013


"but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as Holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect."
1 Peter 3:15 (ESV)
As I have been reading, praying and pondering this morning, I saw this verse come up as the verse of the day on Youversion.  What a great reminder not only to place the Holiness of Jesus in your hearts and minds.  But also for us to be growing in wisdom.

Wisdom is more than knowledge, it is knowledge applied and contained within an attitude of humility.  We are not to be prepared to make a defense with prideful war drums.  rather a defense with respect and a gentle spirit.  This passage is about how we respond to those who question us about the Hope we live with and express.  This Hope is found in Jesus and His completed work on the Cross.

So when a non-Christian inquires about what you believe, even if they are antagonistic we are not to join in that type of attitude.  Instead we are to gently and humbly present Truth.  This can be difficult but we should strive for it.

The bigger challenge for us I think is that we need to employ the same attitude within Christianity as well.  We need to grow and practice this with each other.  Often we as Christians have a tendency to be harsh with each other when we are questioned about something we believe.  Yet if we  are  to respond in this attitude of gentleness and respect to those who do not know Christ, then how should we respond to others that have Jesus as their Lord?  

We are to treat each other better than we treat non-believers.  We are to love one another with a humble heart as it honors God and is a testimony to others.  So I would ask you to take up this challenge with me.  Let's strive to treat one another with healthy respect and a gentle spirit.  Let's not be harsh with one another.  Let's stay away from attempts at humor at a brother or sister's expense.  Sure we will have differences and we want to laugh but let's not hurt each other in the process.

Remember that as a Christian Jesus resides in us by the power of the Holy Spirit.  The same Lord and Master for us all.  Let's not mis-treat His servants, His Children.

Let us walk together!

Pastor Bruce

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Education? Whose it?

Over the years at different times I have heard about troubling things.  Ideas and even government decisions that would imply that the primary educator should be the state, the government or their appointed institutions.  Again today I read of the plight of a family seeking to immigrate to the United States because they were not being allowed to home educate their children in Germany.  The US government has not been supportive and it sounds like they are looking to use this situation to create a new legal standard in the court system about whether there is a basic right to educate your children how ever you believe is best.

Many Christian families are troubled by this, especially those who home educate.  Really we should all be troubled by this.  When the government begins to put in place such restrictions through court rulings, we should all be afraid.  When laws and standards are implemented through the courts there is no proper dialogue, no proper representation of the people.  Rather it is based on which lawyers argue best to convince the judge of their position.  In this case everyone should be upset about the idea that the government knows what is best for my children.

Although we did home educate for part of our children's education, I am not writing today to try and convert people to that position.  Rather I want you to think about the long term effects.  Today if the government makes home education illegal because they did not see a particular group, race, religion etc... that was 100% in support of it.  What will be next?  Religion based private schools?  Other private schools?  Not everyone of us agrees on which school we should send our children to.  It is a slippery slope to base an argument on less than complete agreement on anything.  Those who advocate this line of thinking would have us all fit the same mold, there would be no freedom to do anything unless everyone else also wanted to do the same.

The basic right in question here is not a right to home educate but a basic right to freedom in how we are to raise our families and how they are to learn.  If you do not home educate would you want the government to tell you that you had to?  Would you want the government to make you send your child to a different school that you did not think was the right place for them to be?  Who should be the one to decide what is best for your children, your family?  Well I believe that you, if you are a parent, are the one who should decide.  

It is true that the government needs to make sure society is a healthy place and that there are proper boundaries.  But they are totally in the wrong zone if they are thinking that home education is not good.  look at the many many studies about the high achievement of home educated kids.  Look at the way post secondary education has changed to accept more home educated students because they shine like the stars that they are.  Sure you cannot generalize, but most home educated students are taught to gain "competency" in a course or skill.  Now post secondary institutions are more and more looking at competency as how assessment should happen not just on test scores.

Anyway I could go on but I needed to let off some steam on this one.  Make your voice heard, I know I am in Canada but we should all make sure our governments know where we stand before the storm hits.

Pastor Bruce

Friday, February 15, 2013

Family Time

Family, often such a misunderstood concept in our culture today.  I could go into a long discussion about my thoughts on the current culture but instead I want to take a moment to share my current pondering.  

I love family, I love the idea of family, I love experiencing family.  Family is a beautiful God given gift for us.  A set of relationships wherein we can find love, compassion, care, encouragement, laughter, tears, comfort, strength, life, mourning, sadness, and a true sense of community among other things.  I know no family is perfect, in fact I think all of them are a bit messy in one way or another.  

I got to spend time with a very special part of my family tonight.  Time with my wonderful wife, two sons, daughter (in-law) and yet-born grand child.  Such a great and close family.  Warms my heart.  Are we perfect ... NOPE!  But even when things get tough we will always love each other and be there for one another.  

As I pondered family, my mind regularly flashes to different people.  Many of them as close a part of our family as anyone and yet we are not blood related, at least not close "blood-relatives".  We all have the same common ancestors in Adam and Eve but we do not necessarily share last names or grand parents.  I have so many family members that I often long to spend time with.  They are all over the world.  Some are my parents, grand parents, brothers, sisters, etc... but so many are close to me because we are part of the family of God.  god brought us together and connected us.

Some people who are family to me I have spent very little time with, and yet I feel a close bond to them.  Others I have had the honor of spending a lot of time with.  All are so very special to me.  I am glad we have such modern technology so that I can try and stay connected with them.   

Here in Brandon where I have been only a short time, I have already been finding more family.  I love discovering all of the family members God has for me to meet up with.  This family idea is amazing, a great opportunity to make sure others know they are valued and cared for.  We are so blessed that God gave us this model.  I pray that we learn to embrace it better.

Find someone to encourage every day, if the day is not yet over find another one and then repeat.


Pastor Bruce

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Love - Valentines Day?

Today it is Valentines day, named after Saint Valentine as a day to remember those we love dearly.  If you want to look at the history behind it, feel free to google it.  Our culture has taken Valentines day and made it all about "romance".  This is not a bad thing in general but often I find the real point of love is missed.

Love, true "Love" is much much larger than "romance".  It is meant to be selfless, giving and not looking to receive.  The Truest form of Love is learned from God, as Jesus is our prime example of this Love.  We learn that Love is a commitment more than a feeling.  We learn to love not only those who love us but those who do not.  We begin to understand that hard work of loving during times when the people we are caring for are not treating us well.  When we seek to Love like Jesus, then we begin to understand what Love really is about. 

Sure for couples romance is a part of their Love, God gave them those emotions and desires, it is good for married couples to enjoy their romance.  To those who are single this day is a great opportunity to be reminded of the Love God has shown you.  The great Love that you can show to your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers and even strangers, can become your focus.  Take the day and redeem it to use for God's glory.

Let us all walk together in unity and Love, the same Jesus resides in all of His people and as such we are united.  Regardless of our marital status, age, race, culture, as Christians we are the Family of God.

Pastor Bruce

Priorities Priorities Priorities ....

Many things run through my mind all day and sometimes all night.  Maybe you are a lot like me?  Lots to do and not enough time it seems to do it all.  Yet we continue on and find ourselves as slaves to the most "urgent" item on our todo list or the emergency that walked through the door.  Yet we know that this is not the way life should be.  We recognize that this continuum is not healthy.  So what do we do?

Well most of us decide to plan out time better, make better lists, take a time management class or get more organized.  Yet almost always we find ourselves back where we started.  Maybe we need to learn from God and His Word.  In the Bible one of the first principles we learn is rest.  In Genesis after God creates everything, He creates a 7th day for us to rest.  The rest principle is not just about a day off, it is far more than time freed up.  It is about us not focusing on the busy things, not being distracted by regular life.  Our rest needs to be directed toward the One who can truly give us rest ... God.  If we fill our rest time with other "busy" things that are not considered your regular work, then you will have some fun maybe but you probably won't rest.  Rest is where we begin to find balance in our lives, that is how God made us and it is where we need to start.

The second thing is that we need intentional time with our Creator, the God who made us and knows us better than we know ourselves.  Prayer is a key part of this relationship.  We need to be a people of prayer more than we need to be a people who climb the ladder of success.  Martin Luther the great Church reformer who dies hundreds of years ago once said "I pray 3 hours every morning but I am getting so busy, maybe I should start praying 4 hours every morning".  This sounds counter productive and yet we are not to live in our own wisdom but the wisdom from God.  you will not find this wisdom in your busy task filled day but instead you will find it in communion with the one who has such wisdom to give.  

So I urge you today to join with me to put the important things first.  God should be first in our lives, and that needs to be reflected in our time with Him.  For that time to be effective we need to be a people of Prayer and the Word.  God will work in us to help us meet the challenges of the day, do not worry, take proper care of your family, be properly involved in your Church, and when you are at work - work hard to honor God in all you do.

Let us press on together, but we need not set a fast pace on the less important things.

Pastor Bruce

Pondering Humility

As I sit here and take time to ponder.  I find myself drawn back to the passage I shared with the Deacons Last night from Luke 22.  Where Jesus challenges the disciples, who are arguing about who will be the greatest in the kingdom,  about not being like other leaders and instead serving with humility.  The challenge to be humble and to put others before ourselves, not just in our closest relationships like marriage or as parents, but as a lifestyle.  

I have found myself often returning to passages like this one, probably because I too often find pride in my humanity.  Pride can creep in so quickly and easily and yet it brings only hurt, destruction and distance from the very people you desire to be close to.  Pride really makes me sick, and at times that means I make me sick.  I have long believed that our own self, our human flesh, is one of the greatest opponents we face.  Satan does not need to do a lot to mess with us most days, we take care of that on our own.  

So I ponder this reality and decide that as one who is charged with following Jesus and His ways, as taught in the Bible, then I must put myself away.  I must die to self daily and live for Christ, as by the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus has taken up residence in me.  So I much like John the baptizer, must be come less and He must become more.

I urge you today to be on this journey with me.  Let us seek to walk in humility, following our Lord Jesus.

Pastor Bruce

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Let us Pray

When things change I have come to understand that the most important thing we can do is pray.  Lets look at Acts 1 today, Jesus has just given his final instruction to His followers and ascended to Heaven.

Acts 1:12-14 (ESV)
Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is near Jerusalem, a Sabbath day's journey away.  And when they had entered, they went up to the upper room, where they were staying,Peter and John and James and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus and Simon the Zealot and Judas the son of James.  All these with one accord were devoting themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers.
So we have the community of Jesus followers coming together to pray.  They pray as they wait for what He has next for them.  It should challenge us as we recognize that they came together, plural, a group, a community.  This was not singular in nature, but group prayer.  So often we set a focus on "personal prayer time" and not enough on community prayer time.  I find that part of the reason is a lack of proper instruction and training on how to pray as a community.  So I find myself pressed to not only teach on prayer but to live a life of prayer.

I am glad to be here at Faith Fellowship Baptist Church in Brandon, Manitoba.  And it would be easy to just get really busy and start new things.  But I believe it is more important for me as a leader and for our Church family that we be a people of prayer.  So that we will be ready when God gives us a new direction.   Then we should continue in prayer as we move forward, ensuring we stay on the path He has chosen for us.

Pastor Bruce