The hard reality is that the originals were not bound paper with leather exterior and they also were not digital. We have been blessed and are happy that for so many generations we have had true ability to have printed and bound Bibles. But the format of that process is not Holy. Just like the move forward to print the Bible in such a way was key to getting the Word of God into the hands of everyday people it was also a huge improvement for the Clergy. The ability to study and preach for the Word greatly increased. As with any new medium or format there are dangers, like those who would print what looks like a Bible and yet it was changed to fit their beliefs and not truly God's Word.
The new movement of digital media needs to be embraced properly. We should be thankful that we can get the Word of God into so many hands so quickly now. If Pastors refuse to use the new media because they want things to appear more Holy then they will send a message (intentional or not) that the printed and bound is superior to the digital and this is not true. God's Word is His Word in whatever format it is printed in. Of course I am talking here about medium and format not particular translation, that would be a different topic.
So I encourage you to embrace Ethernet Bible apps out there and to encourage their use. Do not allow yourself to be distracted by games or texting when it is time for the Word. This is the same as not being distracted by a football game on the radio or writing notes to a friend or doing a crossword when it is supposed to be time for the Word. The principle is the same, so use new technology but do not allow it to overtake you.
Remember in the same way your digital format is not better than printed material. On such things there is no law so each one must follow their conscience and seek to honour God while they show Grace to their brothers and sisters.
Press on in obedience
Pastor Bruce
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