So what about sin? "Sin is not problem for me because I was forgiven by Jesus" ... I have received this response from so many. There is an element of truth in that response and yet there is so much missing.
Often I hear people talking about the sins of others, the sins of society and proclaiming a need fro a renewed righteousness. Yet we fail so often to talk enough about the reality of our own sin. Our own weak and pride-filled nature that seeks its own way daily. I know that I struggle daily with sin. My humanity is still here. Sure Jesus has shown victory over sin, death and hell, but even though I am forgiven it does not mean I never sin.
I really believe that we need to embrace a deep sense of humility, repenting of our sin and embracing the Lordship of Jesus in our life. This should not be a one time event. Salvation is a one time event, Baptism is a one time event, but daily Christian living is to strive for humility and repent of our sinful attitudes and actions as we seek to live in obedience to our Lord Jesus.
Sin is around us everyday, the world is a messed up place and it is because humanity runs on a nature bent towarpridefilledds sin. People cannot help themselves, sin is natural to us. Jesus is our only answer for sin. His forgiveness of our sin is once and for all. Yet while we are still walking on this earth we will not live in perfection. We need to repent of our own self. When we live in sinful ways it is because we have taken the reigns, taken control. When we are in control then sin is at the front of things. When we live in submission to Jesus, then He is in control and He is operating in and through us by the power of the Holy Spirit. Righteous living cannot happen because of me, but it can happen because of Jesus living in and through me.
Deal with your sin, seek to live under the Lordship of Jesus, walk with humility in obedience to Him. Do not hide your messes of life and pretend that life is perfect, this is pride and it is a sin. Honesty is required, Integrity needs to be your decision, Transparency is to be a lifestyle.
Let us walk together
Pastor Bruce
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