In a race, whether you are running or driving, you need to have your sights set on where you are going, a goal or target needs to be understood. You need a reference point, depending on the race it may be lines on the road, a finish line in sight, pylons, flags or even posts or fences. But if you do not keep your eyes open and aware of the points of reference then you will probably be headed for trouble.
If a driver hits the wall in a stock car race when no other cars were touching them. They most likely did not properly pay attention to their points of reference in relationship to their speed and direction. In a drag race if a dragster begins to swerve and then loose control and crash into the wall or flip, it is usually because the driver did not keep things steady and focused on the end goal.
Hebrews 12:1-2 (ESV)Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.In our Christian life, we are to follow Jesus. Jesus came to earth as the Son of God. lived a perfect sinless life and then was killed because of our sins.
Have you ever sinned? Not sure? lets check ...
(Most of these questions were the ones I used with the kids last night)
Have you always listened to your parents and done what you are told, right away, never complained? Never had a bad attitude? Never grumbled to yourself about your parents? That is all sin
Have you ever done something mean to someone else? Told a lie to them or about them? Hurt someone else, hit them, tripped them, screamed at them? Have you ever said mean or cruel things to someone? That is all sin
Have you ever been selfish? Refused to share your cookies, your drink, your snacks, your toys, your bike, your lego? Pushed your way into a lineup in front of others? Gotten upset because someone else was in your seat, used your things or wanted to have some of your fries? That is all sin
Have you always loved God, properly, putting Him first in everything? Living a life of worship and prayerful communion with Him? Always living in obedience to God and what He teaches in the Bible? If not then you have lived a life of sin. I have too.
God said that there had to be punishment for sin and that punishment was death and an eternity away from God in a horrible place called Hell. But God is very good and He sent Jesus who is God, to come in the form of a person and to take on the punishment for our sin. And to those who accept His gift of Grace, as they repent of their sins, He forgives them for their sin and grants them an eternal relationship with God. Jesus enables us to be a people who do not have to sin, we can seek freedom and strength to resist sin by the power of the Holy Spirit. When the spirit of God takes up residence in us, which happens when you become a follower of Jesus, then we can live in greater obedience to Him. We will not be perfect, not in this life, but we have received the perfection of Jesus on our account so we can be God's friend, His Child.
The Christian Life is like a race, Jesus is our point of reference so make sure your sight is set on Him. The Bible is our map for the race so that we can avoid wrong turns. But if we stop paying attention to the map or get ourselves distracted and loose our point of reference, then we will loose our way, get lost and off course or crash. These distractions are sin, when we stop focusing on Jesus that is sin, the sin of selfishness and pride. We need to recognize that as a Christian Jesus forgives our sins and we need to stay away from sin so that we can stay on course, so that we can finish the race without a big crash. Unlike a race though, if you do crash big, you are not removed from the race. Instead Jesus forgives you if you repent and then He picks you up and helps you get moving again.
Pastor Bruce
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